The reports being made by youth in these facilities is not unusual. These issues are pervasive and prevalent enough that there are researchers dedicated to exploring them to understand the impact they have on developing minds, the family and society. Many people in America are shocked to learn that these practices are used here. Learn the issues and require we do better as a nation. This library links to public viewing host sites. To view, follow link in the article title.
If you are a researcher and are studying related issues and are interested in collaborating or having relevant articles added to this developing database, please reach out to Dr Athena Kolbe.
Wilderness therapy settings: An industry in need of legal and regulatory oversight
Wilderness therapy settings: An industry in need of legal and regulatory oversight - This article reviews wilderness therapy and other outdoor programs that vary in their structure and focus. It also 1) looks at a number of domestic and international lawsuits; 2) examines the minimal extent to which there has ...
What makes youth run or stay? A review of the literature on absconding
What makes youth run or stay? A review of the literature on absconding - This literature review focuses on why youth abscond from out-of-home care.
Wayward Elites: From Social Reproduction to Social Restoration in a Therapeutic Boarding School
Wayward Elites: From Social Reproduction to Social Restoration in a Therapeutic Boarding School - Findings suggest that students engage in social restoration by constructing an overarching restorative narrative that works through three mechanisms: (1) experiential reframing, (2) appropriated therapeutic discourse, and (3) boundary maintenance through “othering.”
Vulnerable citizens: The oppression of children in care
Vulnerable citizens: The oppression of children in care - This paper frames children in out-of-home care as a singularly oppressed group. Children as citizens are considered in terms of their rights, evolving capacities, best interests, and voice. Using recognized criteria determining oppression, the situation of youth in care as an ...
Unlicensed Residential Programs: The Next Challenge in Protecting Youth
Unlicensed Residential Programs: The Next Challenge in Protecting Youth – This review is a summary of the information gathered by this group, the Alliance for the Safe, Therapeutic, and Appropriate use of Residential Treatment (ASTART).
Troubling the ‘troubled teen’ industry: Adult reflections on youth experiences of therapeutic boarding schools
Troubling the 'troubled teen' industry: Adult reflections on youth experiences of therapeutic boarding schools - The article’s central aim is to centre the perspectives of former students and critique social control of young people in therapeutic boarding schools.
Troubled Affluent Youth’s Experiences in a Therapeutic Boarding School: The Elite Arm of the Youth Control Complex and Its Implications for Youth Justice”
Troubled Affluent Youth’s Experiences in a Therapeutic Boarding School: The Elite Arm of the Youth Control Complex and Its Implications for Youth Justice” - This study provides insight into a mostly unregulated private troubled teen industry, relying on interviews and a survey of affluent youth sent to a therapeutic boarding ...
Treatment Research Lacks Good Science: A detailed scientific critique of Behrens study findings
Treatment Research Lacks Good Science: A detailed scientific critique of Behrens study findings - ASTART has been concerned about the marketing of teen residential programs that highlights the findings from a study by Ellen Behrens and Kristin Satterfield. Two reports are widely cited in youth residential treatment marketing and promotional ...
Treatment programs for youth with emotional and behavioral disorders
Treatment programs for youth with emotional and behavioral disorders - Results confirmed high rates of comorbidity in this population for externalizing and internalizing disorders. A significant Treatment x Program interaction was evident for internalizing disorders.
Totalistic Teen Treatment: A Qualitative Analysis of Retrospective Accounts
Totalistic Teen Treatment: A Qualitative Analysis of Retrospective Accounts - This original qualitative research analyzes adult reports about the experiences and impacts of totalistic teen programs.