The reports being made by youth in these facilities is not unusual. These issues are pervasive and prevalent enough that there are researchers dedicated to exploring them to understand the impact they have on developing minds, the family and society. Many people in America are shocked to learn that these practices are used here. Learn the issues and require we do better as a nation. This library links to public viewing host sites. To view, follow link in the article title.
If you are a researcher and are studying related issues and are interested in collaborating or having relevant articles added to this developing database, please reach out to Dr Athena Kolbe.
The Troubled Teen Industry: Commodifying Disability and Capitalizing on Fear
The Troubled Teen Industry: Commodifying Disability and Capitalizing on Fear - The “Troubled Teen” behavior reform industry is comprised of financially interconnected wilderness programs, residential treatment centers, and reform schools that incarcerate thousands of minors each year by marketing a supposed cure to nonnormativity, and monetizing the discrimination and abuse ...
The State of Research on the Effects of Physical Punishment
The State of Research on the Effects of Physical Punishment - Long considered an effective, and even necessary, means of socialising children, physical punishment has been revealed to be a predictor of a wide range of negative developmental outcomes.
The Sexual Abuse to Prison Pipeline
The Sexual Abuse to Prison Pipeline: The Girls' Story - In a perverse twist of justice, many girls who experience sexual abuse are routed into the juvenile justice system because of their victimization.
The Risk of Harm to Young Children in Institutional Care
The Risk of Harm to Young Children in Institutional Care - Young children are frequently placed in institutional care throughout the world. This occurs despite wide recognition that institutional care is associated with negative consequences for children’s development (Carter, 2005; Johnson, Browne and Hamilton-Giachritsis, 2006).
The outcome of non-residential youth care compared to residential youth care: a multilevel meta-analysis
The outcome of non-residential youth care compared to residential youth care: a multilevel meta-analysis - We found a small statistically significant overall effect which indicated that non-residential youth care was slightly more effective than residential youth care.
The Dangers of Detention
The Dangers of Detention: The Impact of Incarcerating Youth in Detention and Other Secure Facilities - Despite the lowest youth crime rates in 20 years, hundreds of thousands of young people are locked away every year in the nation’s 591 secure detention centers.
The Comparative Costs and Benefits to Reduce Crime
The Comparative Costs and Benefits to Reduce Crime - This review of the ten existing evaluations of juvenile boot camps indicated that, relative to comparison groups, juvenile offenders in these programs had higher, not lower, subsequent recidivism rates.
Survey of Youth in Residential Placement: Conditions of Confinement
Survey of Youth in Residential Placement: Conditions of Confinement - This report presents findings from the Survey of Youth in Residential Placement about the conditions of confinement for youth in a range of different facilities and programs. Results focus on the structural and operational characteristics of these environments and indicate ...
Still shackled in the land of liberty: denying children the right to be safe from abusive “treatment”
Still shackled in the land of liberty: denying children the right to be safe from abusive "treatment" - This article provides a brief overview of the development of the troubled-teen industry, addresses the thorny issue of parents' right to send their children to these facilities vis-a-vis the rights of their ...
Sticker Shock
Sticker Shock: Calculating the Full Price for Youth Incarceration - For nearly a decade and a half, the vast majority of states have made substantial progress in reducing reliance on incarceration to address behavior by the nation’s youth.