Crossroads Academy RTC (2007-present) Ogden, UT

Residential Treatment Center

History and Background Information

Crossroads Academy RTC (also called Crossroads Academy) is a behavior-modification program that opened in 2007.

Founders and Notable Staff

Sam K. Dahlin is the Co-Owner and Co-Founder of Crossroads.

Derek Bowles is the Co-Owner and Co-Founder of Crossroads.

Eric Dahlin is the Co-Owner and Co-Founder of Crossroads.

Program Structure

Abuse Allegations

Survivor/Parent Testimonials

8/27/2018: (PARENT) “Do not let the owners of this facility move your son to the young adult program without showing you IN WRITING what they will provide and adjust tuition accordingly. This is an oppprtunity for them to make additional $ while providing less services if you are not prudent with Derek, Sam and Eric on the front end. You definitely will not get any $ returned on the backend and they will charge you for services not performed or received. Young adult program is a total rip-off. Adolescent house staff is great too although turnover is high. This facility also does not feel the need to call you when your child is admitted to hospital…happen to us on 3 different times. Two of course were not life threatening, but he was a minor and he is our child and he was scared. Third time was life threatening and we still were not notified. I would not recommend this facility even though it has lots of fun activities for your children. Not well organized or supervised.” – Smile (Yelp)

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